(CNN) -- All newborn babies cry, but Anika Reese seemed to be in a category all her own. She screamed in pain nearly all the time, grabbing her own little cheeks so forcefully she sometimes drew blood.
Her mother, Suzanne, describes Anika's first four months as "living in hell with an angel."
"There are almost no words to describe what I thought was only some form of prison camp torture," Reese says.
Reese noticed her baby's stomach was swollen and her poops were green and frothy. Several friends and family members suggested it might be a problem with Reese's breast milk, and urged her to give Anika formula instead. But Reese was "hell-bent" on nursing and refused to stop.
Only 43% of moms breast-feeding at six months
Unlike Reese, many mothers, for various reasons, give up on nursing. While 75% of mothers breast-feed their babies soon after birth, only 43% are still nursing six months later, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends moms breast-feed for at least a year, but the first six months are especially crucial, says Dr. Lori Feldman-Winter, a spokesperson for the academy, since most babies that age aren't yet eating solid food and rely solely on milk for nutrition.
Reese was committed to nursing because of the significant health benefits to her baby: fewer cases of gastroenteritis and ear and upper respiratory infections, to name a few, and now a new study out of Australia shows some breast-fed babies do better academically later in life.
While it's not easy to overcome the hurdles of early breast-feeding -- whether it's sore nipples, a screaming baby, or a low milk supply -- Reese managed to do it.
When she noticed Anika's belly swollen and strange, frothy green poops, Reese called lactation consultants, who told her all babies have gas and to be patient. Then, when Anika was 7 weeks old, Reese noticed blood in her daughter's stool.
The Reeses raced to the emergency room near their home in Ramona, California. Doctors gave Anika a barium enema to get a good look at her intestines.
The test showed Anika's colon was normal. The Reeses then took Anika to a pediatric gastroenterologist, who advised Suzanne to stop eating foods that might be bothering Anika. But
Suzanne was already down to a diet of chicken, beef, sweet potatoes, and rice -- there was nothing more she could cut out.
Feeling like "a total failure," Reese still wasn't ready to give up nursing her baby. She called another lactation consultant, who listened patiently to her story and immediately offered this tip: pump some milk, throw it away, and put Anika to her breast.
"OVERNIGHT, we had a new baby!" Reese recalled in an e-mail. "INCREDIBLE! We were utterly relieved -- to the point of tears."
The lactation consultant explained Reese was producing too much foremilk, which is full of sugar and can irritate a baby's delicate gut if she gets too much of it. By pumping off the foremilk and getting rid of it, Reese was giving Anika more hindmilk, which has significantly less sugar.
"I was also utterly angry that we had to go through all of this when it was such a simple fix," Reese says.
Breast-feeding advice from moms who've been through "hell"
Reese found when it comes to breast-feeding, sometimes the experts who should know the answers -- pediatricians, lactation counselors -- don't.
"We're getting better at training residents to learn more about breast-feeding, but we still have a ways to go," says Feldman-Winter, a professor of pediatrics at Cooper University Hospital in New Jersey.
Reese is glad she kept looking for answers -- she's still nursing Anika, who turns 2 next month.
Various websites offer helpful breastfeeding tips, such as the American Academy of Family Physicians, pregnancy.org, and La Leche League International. In addition, La Leche League and babycenter.com offer forums where moms can seek advice from each other.
Read the full article to hear what other mothers who have to been through it have to say:
By Elizabeth Cohen, CNN Senior Medical Correspondent
cnnAuthor = "By Elizabeth Cohen, CNN Senior Medical Correspondent"December 23, 2010
About Me

- Nizo Wear
- Admit it. Most nursing bras are kind of industrial-looking. At least that is what I thought when I was shopping around for a nursing bra. I also found that while breastfeeding is natural and wonderful, it is also difficult and complex and sometimes it really hurts! The best advice I could find was to use warm compresses before nursing and cold compresses afterwards. But nobody could give me any tips for how to make the whole compress thing practical or COMFORTABLE! So, my design was patented and Nizo Wear was born. I firgured while I was at it I should make them pretty as well. Nizo Wear makes nursing bras that are de both functional and pretty. Lace and rhinestones, playful prints, shapely lines, all designed to help you feel stylish and good again.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Funny Breastfeeding Statistics
Did you know?
1. Norway is the only country to include breast milk in national food statistics.
2. The Philippines earned a unique Guinness Book of World Records achievement when 3,738 mothers nursed their babies simultaneously in Manila.
3. A study published in the June 2004 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine shows that breast milk is known to cure warts.
4. Kangaroos sometimes nurse their young until they're the same size as the mothers. Yikes!
Stats provided by S. Seip & A. Hedger in If These Boobs Could Talk
1. Norway is the only country to include breast milk in national food statistics.
2. The Philippines earned a unique Guinness Book of World Records achievement when 3,738 mothers nursed their babies simultaneously in Manila.
3. A study published in the June 2004 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine shows that breast milk is known to cure warts.
4. Kangaroos sometimes nurse their young until they're the same size as the mothers. Yikes!
Stats provided by S. Seip & A. Hedger in If These Boobs Could Talk
Funny Breastfeeding Statistics
Monday, December 13, 2010
8 Natural Cold Remedies
With the cold season if full swing, here are some natural cold remedies. My son's eyes bugged out of his head when I read him #3 (...turn off the wii...) he said "it does not really say that does it mom?" It was too funny! I have to say he did love doing number six though! What remedies work for you??
1. Vitamin D: is an important infection fighter and most children are not getting enough. The AAP recommends 400 IU per day. An eight-ounce glass of milk has about 100.
2. Probiotics: Some research suggests that bacteria found in foods like yogurt and keifer may help prevent respiratory infections. You can also simply purchase an over the counter pro-biotic for more bacteria for your buck! In one study of kids ages 3-5, those who consumed active lactobacillus cultures daily for six months during cold season were less likely to get sick and if they did the duration was shorter. It is especially important to give a pro-biotic if your child is on an antibiotic.
3. Sleep: Sleep and immune function are intertwined. People who don't get enough sleep are more susceptible to colds. If your child does get sick, let him stay home from school, turn off the Wii for a while, and let him rest.
4. Salt: A study last year in the International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology found this natural anti-inflammatory can help release mucus and ease breathing as well as soothe sore throats and coughs. For congestion, make a saline rinse with a half to a full teaspoon of salt per pint of warm water and administer it with a dropper (inexpensive saline nose rinses are also widely available). To treat a sore throat or cough, try teaching your child to gargle with the same warm saltwater solution. Try to make it a game and they may actually do it!
5. Moist air: Either a cool-mist humidifier or a warm vaporizer in your child's bedroom can help steam-clean nasal passages, reducing congestion. (Just make sure you keep whichever model you choose clean and out of your child's reach.) You can also steam up your bathroom, then take your cranky kiddo into this homemade sauna.
6. Honey: A study in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine found that honey at bedtime was more effective at quieting coughs than honey-tasting cough medicine. The dose is similar to that of over-the-counter cold medicines: a half teaspoon for kids age 1 to 5, a full teaspoon for kids 6 to 11 and two teaspoons for children 12 and up. (never give honey to a child under 1) The study used buckwheat honey, but other kinds should work fine too Dr. Kemper says (my son agrees).
7. Chicken soup: It's the go-to-get-well meal for a good reason-it helps! Research has shown that chicken soup has anti-inflammatory powers that stimulate the release of mucus reducing congestion (probably due to all the salt!).
8. Relaxation: That means you, Mom! "Parents stress when their child is sick," notes Dr. Bernstein. "Meanwhile, the kid's on the floor, playing with his toys, happy as can be, with snot coming out of his nose and coughing." Of course, if your child develops a fever or his symptoms seem to worsen, consult your doctor. Otherwise, try to remember: a normal cold will run its course over a week or so.
Thanks Laura Beil from Parenting Magazine's November Issue for the great tips!
1. Vitamin D: is an important infection fighter and most children are not getting enough. The AAP recommends 400 IU per day. An eight-ounce glass of milk has about 100.
2. Probiotics: Some research suggests that bacteria found in foods like yogurt and keifer may help prevent respiratory infections. You can also simply purchase an over the counter pro-biotic for more bacteria for your buck! In one study of kids ages 3-5, those who consumed active lactobacillus cultures daily for six months during cold season were less likely to get sick and if they did the duration was shorter. It is especially important to give a pro-biotic if your child is on an antibiotic.
3. Sleep: Sleep and immune function are intertwined. People who don't get enough sleep are more susceptible to colds. If your child does get sick, let him stay home from school, turn off the Wii for a while, and let him rest.
4. Salt: A study last year in the International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology found this natural anti-inflammatory can help release mucus and ease breathing as well as soothe sore throats and coughs. For congestion, make a saline rinse with a half to a full teaspoon of salt per pint of warm water and administer it with a dropper (inexpensive saline nose rinses are also widely available). To treat a sore throat or cough, try teaching your child to gargle with the same warm saltwater solution. Try to make it a game and they may actually do it!
5. Moist air: Either a cool-mist humidifier or a warm vaporizer in your child's bedroom can help steam-clean nasal passages, reducing congestion. (Just make sure you keep whichever model you choose clean and out of your child's reach.) You can also steam up your bathroom, then take your cranky kiddo into this homemade sauna.
6. Honey: A study in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine found that honey at bedtime was more effective at quieting coughs than honey-tasting cough medicine. The dose is similar to that of over-the-counter cold medicines: a half teaspoon for kids age 1 to 5, a full teaspoon for kids 6 to 11 and two teaspoons for children 12 and up. (never give honey to a child under 1) The study used buckwheat honey, but other kinds should work fine too Dr. Kemper says (my son agrees).
7. Chicken soup: It's the go-to-get-well meal for a good reason-it helps! Research has shown that chicken soup has anti-inflammatory powers that stimulate the release of mucus reducing congestion (probably due to all the salt!).
8. Relaxation: That means you, Mom! "Parents stress when their child is sick," notes Dr. Bernstein. "Meanwhile, the kid's on the floor, playing with his toys, happy as can be, with snot coming out of his nose and coughing." Of course, if your child develops a fever or his symptoms seem to worsen, consult your doctor. Otherwise, try to remember: a normal cold will run its course over a week or so.
Thanks Laura Beil from Parenting Magazine's November Issue for the great tips!
8 cold remedies
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