I was reminded that yes, breastfeeding can be hard! So, here is a little boob humor to pick up you breastfeeding mamas! (If you have any additions to this list we would love to hear it. Please SHARE :) My favorite's are number 4 and 10! What is yours?
found in "If these boobs could talk" by S. Seip & A. Hedger:
1. Since when are we open twenty-four hours?
2. Get the soothing gel. Get it now.
3. Sir, this is a "Babies Only" zone.
4. Kid, how can you not see our nipples when they're the size of paper plates?
5. Woo Hoo! We're spraying across the room!
6. Wow, we look spectacular!
7. Wait, now we look like old gym socks.
8. Hmmm, do we hear a baby crying somewh....and there's the milk.
9. Hey, we dont get paid enough to work this hard.
10. Oh great. A tooth.
About Me

- Nizo Wear
- Admit it. Most nursing bras are kind of industrial-looking. At least that is what I thought when I was shopping around for a nursing bra. I also found that while breastfeeding is natural and wonderful, it is also difficult and complex and sometimes it really hurts! The best advice I could find was to use warm compresses before nursing and cold compresses afterwards. But nobody could give me any tips for how to make the whole compress thing practical or COMFORTABLE! So, my design was patented and Nizo Wear was born. I firgured while I was at it I should make them pretty as well. Nizo Wear makes nursing bras that are de both functional and pretty. Lace and rhinestones, playful prints, shapely lines, all designed to help you feel stylish and good again.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Low milk supply journey
I have said many times that yes, breastfeeding is simple but it is not always easy! There are so many factors that come into play to make it difficult, like a poor latch, or low milk supply, or getting thrush or multiple other infections, or simply lack of support etc...
Recently I found out a good friend was having trouble in an area I had no problems with...milk supply (I was a milk machine, so much so that if I did not regularly feed every three hours or pump if I was away from my baby I would get a plugged duct.) But, there are many women out there that do have trouble with this issue. So many in fact that there are tons of products out there to assist these women. Since I am not the expert in this area my amazing friend has agreed to share her journey to boost her milk supply and her baby's weight with us! I will be posting the progress here so stay tuned!
My friend Lisa, who is a wonderful breastfeeding mother of 4, thought she would have nursing down to an art by now. But, she recently discovered that her fourth baby is falling on his growth chart. This is not something completely new to her as either her first or third baby prompted her to take fenugreek to help get her milk supply up. She is back on fenugreek now and with the help of Motherlove's More Milk Plus, her sister's excess milk and a strict regiment from her doctor she hopes to boost her lovely boy up the weight charts. Here, in her words, is the start of her milk boosting journey.
"I'm ready to up my dose (as per my doctor) and to also include Motherlove's More Milk Plus. We are on week 2 of giving supplemental milk after each feeding. I am so thankful to my sister for giving me her leftover pumped/ frozen milk! In 9 days my son gained 14 oz!!
He has a weight check next week, after which I will stop the supplemental milk and give it another week before yet another weight check. This week my instructions are to up the number of nursing sessions and also to try to get some pumping sessions in my day - not necessarily easy to do!
This is the most aggressive instruction I've gotten for feeding any of my babies; 2 others also had weight-gaining issues. I am somewhat annoyed at all the extra attention I have to give to feeding my baby - breastfeeding is supposed to be so easy! But I am thankful to have a plan to get us back on track. Until then I will continue to thaw extra milk every night and wash bottles daily in anticipation of maintaining a milk supply that will satisfy my hungry little baby!
And for anyone reading this who thinks that only first time moms make rookie mistakes, last week I was nursing my baby while enjoying crushed red pepper on my pizza. Somehow some of the pepper fell into my son's eye! He was quite upset, his eye got puffy and the skin around his eye was blotchy. The on-call pediatrician suggested to rinse his eye with contact solution and call Poison Control. The nice woman at Poison Control said to take a shower with him and let the water run down his face. We happened to be traveling so the shower was not an option. After a good 5 min my son finally stopped crying, opened his eyes and actually smiled at me! The puffiness went away and I am thankful he will not remember this incident as an adult." - Lisa
Recently I found out a good friend was having trouble in an area I had no problems with...milk supply (I was a milk machine, so much so that if I did not regularly feed every three hours or pump if I was away from my baby I would get a plugged duct.) But, there are many women out there that do have trouble with this issue. So many in fact that there are tons of products out there to assist these women. Since I am not the expert in this area my amazing friend has agreed to share her journey to boost her milk supply and her baby's weight with us! I will be posting the progress here so stay tuned!
My friend Lisa, who is a wonderful breastfeeding mother of 4, thought she would have nursing down to an art by now. But, she recently discovered that her fourth baby is falling on his growth chart. This is not something completely new to her as either her first or third baby prompted her to take fenugreek to help get her milk supply up. She is back on fenugreek now and with the help of Motherlove's More Milk Plus, her sister's excess milk and a strict regiment from her doctor she hopes to boost her lovely boy up the weight charts. Here, in her words, is the start of her milk boosting journey.
"I'm ready to up my dose (as per my doctor) and to also include Motherlove's More Milk Plus. We are on week 2 of giving supplemental milk after each feeding. I am so thankful to my sister for giving me her leftover pumped/ frozen milk! In 9 days my son gained 14 oz!!
He has a weight check next week, after which I will stop the supplemental milk and give it another week before yet another weight check. This week my instructions are to up the number of nursing sessions and also to try to get some pumping sessions in my day - not necessarily easy to do!
This is the most aggressive instruction I've gotten for feeding any of my babies; 2 others also had weight-gaining issues. I am somewhat annoyed at all the extra attention I have to give to feeding my baby - breastfeeding is supposed to be so easy! But I am thankful to have a plan to get us back on track. Until then I will continue to thaw extra milk every night and wash bottles daily in anticipation of maintaining a milk supply that will satisfy my hungry little baby!
And for anyone reading this who thinks that only first time moms make rookie mistakes, last week I was nursing my baby while enjoying crushed red pepper on my pizza. Somehow some of the pepper fell into my son's eye! He was quite upset, his eye got puffy and the skin around his eye was blotchy. The on-call pediatrician suggested to rinse his eye with contact solution and call Poison Control. The nice woman at Poison Control said to take a shower with him and let the water run down his face. We happened to be traveling so the shower was not an option. After a good 5 min my son finally stopped crying, opened his eyes and actually smiled at me! The puffiness went away and I am thankful he will not remember this incident as an adult." - Lisa
Low milk supply journey
Monday, June 20, 2011
What is a bad latch?
I was very familiar with a bad latch, as that is what inspired me to create Nizo Wear Nursing Bras. My sweet son appeared to have a good latch from the outside and he did not make any smacking sounds while nursing, but oh did I experience the nipple pain!
Information from this post was based on personal experiences and information was collected from askthelactationconsultant.com
There was a point, about a week into my first breastfeeding experience, that I would cry every time I put my hungry son to breast. I felt like I was at my wits end and since he looked like he had a good latch I did not know what was going on or what to do to fix the problem.
Luckily I had a wonderful contact who came to my house, took one look at my nipple (all modesty was out the window at this point) and told me the problem. My son had a shallow latch and was not getting his tongue under my nipple far enough and was therefore brushing it with each suck. It felt as it someone had sandpapered my nipples raw and now I understood why.
This wonderful public health nurse showed me how to train my son to suck correctly and armed me with a nipple shield and miraculously I healed and went on to breastfeed my son for 15 months. Here is a great video showing you where your nipple should land in your baby's mouth (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zln0LTkejIs&feature=player_embedded#at=52)
So, to help other breastfeeding moms out there I have found some tips from a great lactation consultant and thought I would share them with you. If you are having pain, I hope these help (check out the videos), and seek help immediately as there is nothing like personal touch. I also recommend a few products below.
Breastfeeding should not be painful. Good luck!
Below are listed the signs of a bad latch or a breast latch that might cause injury.
#1 SIGN = PAIN!!! Breastfeeding Pain is NOT normal. Breast feeding should not hurt. If it does, SEEK HELP TODAY.
Lips rolled in or circle “o” lips
Clicking, popping or smacking sounds at the breast.
Dimpling of infant cheeks
Mom reports “biting” sensation during feed
Compression stripe on nipple after feeding
Lipstick shape nipple after feeding (beveled)
Nipple easily slips out of mouth when baby pauses
Bleeding or injured nipple after feed
Baby is not gaining weight
Baby is not satisfied (this one can be tricky, because newborns can feed every hour to help your milk come in so until your milk comes in frequent feeds can be totally normal)
Lips rolled in or circle “o” lips
Clicking, popping or smacking sounds at the breast.
Dimpling of infant cheeks
Mom reports “biting” sensation during feed
Compression stripe on nipple after feeding
Lipstick shape nipple after feeding (beveled)
Nipple easily slips out of mouth when baby pauses
Bleeding or injured nipple after feed
Baby is not gaining weight
Baby is not satisfied (this one can be tricky, because newborns can feed every hour to help your milk come in so until your milk comes in frequent feeds can be totally normal)
Uncorrected latching can quite frequently lead to nipple injury. Nipple injury can make mommies want to quit breastfeeding. So, avoiding injury is important. If you are having any of the above signs, please make an appointment with your local lactation consultant as soon as possible.
Some products to help you now!
1. Motherlove Herbal Nipple Cream found at http://www.motherlove.com/ (to help your nipples heal)
2. Smart Choices Breast Soother warming and cooling packs found on http://www.nizowear.com/ (for immediate pain relief)

3. Nipple shield found at many stores like Target (this is great in extreme cases to let your nipple heal while still continuing to breastfeed. Some mothers have good luck pumping instead of nursing while they heal, but my case was so severe that this product was the only thing that helped me)

What mom should be doing for a successful breatfeeding experience:
Has Good posture Sitting upright or lying on side
Is Comfortable - starting out uncomfortable is not good
Well-supported with pillows (pillows are usually more managable than a nursing pillow in the first 24 hours)
Lap flat or slightly elevated
Cups breast with fingers off areola
Has Good posture Sitting upright or lying on side
Is Comfortable - starting out uncomfortable is not good
Well-supported with pillows (pillows are usually more managable than a nursing pillow in the first 24 hours)
Lap flat or slightly elevated
Cups breast with fingers off areola
Check out this video to see firsthand what this should look like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oQHe1eYsnE&feature=player_embedded
What should baby look like?
Tummy to tummy or Chest to breast
Ear, shoulder, & hip aligned
At breast level, nipple to nose
Body slightly flexed with head relaxed slightly backwards (drinking position)
Body supported on pillows and by mother
Mother supports infant’s neck, base of head, shoulder girdle
Ear, shoulder, & hip aligned
At breast level, nipple to nose
Body slightly flexed with head relaxed slightly backwards (drinking position)
Body supported on pillows and by mother
Mother supports infant’s neck, base of head, shoulder girdle
Information from this post was based on personal experiences and information was collected from askthelactationconsultant.com
What is a bad latch
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Surviving Colic
If you are trying to survive colic and breastfeeding, like I was, here are some tips!
I was once in the place where you are trying to manage both the colic and breastfeeding. My first tip: I completely recommend reading The Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Karp, MD. I found the 5 S's were the only long term solution. Yes, of course there were other tricks that often gave us brief relief like carseat on the dryer (yes, we held on the entire time for safety) or a car ride or running the vacuum cleaner. But when we did the 5 S's in order, no substitutions here people, it worked!
I know, some of you are saying "Ok, I can do four of the S's, but my baby loves to have his hands and legs free. I just do not feel right swaddling him". Well, I was one of you, before our colic got to the point of total frustration! Sure, my baby loved to explore with his hands but when it was time to settle down, he really needed the secure feeling that only swaddling could provide.
Now, I was given this book as a shower gift. I skimmed the important parts, dog-earring and highlighting. But when it came time to use it, I was so sleep deprived and crazed from the crying it took a while before I remembered I even had it! Then to find time to re-read to a point of retention so I could put the tools to use. Once we got the hang of it though, it was wonderful.
The most important thing for you to realize is that colic is not your fault and that breastfeeding is still the best thing that you can do for your baby. Switching to formula, as some people recommend, will only make it worse. In fact, some babies whose colic ends after three months seem to have it return when they are weaned from the breast!
What You Need to Know About Colic and Breastfeeding.
First of all, we need to understand what colic is. Colic is described as uncontrollable, extended crying in a baby who is well-fed, dry and otherwise should be fine. While every baby cries, some little ones cry for more than three hours a day, three to four days a week...these babies may have colic. My son was text book colic starting at about 5 weeks. Every night for about 4-6 hours he would just scream. No sitting the baby down to get anything done for us!
It is estimated that over 20% of babies have or get colic, and it usually starts around two to four weeks of age and can last for three months, or longer in some cases.
Tips: (I wish I had known this!!) If you are feeding from both breasts and have a fussy baby, I've been told that you may want to reconsider! Here is why, according to breastfeeding magazine: Breast milk changes during each feeding. One of the ways in which it changes is that the longer your baby feeds on a breast, the higher the fat content of the breast milk. (This higher fat milk is often referred to as hind milk.)
If mommies automatically switch the baby from one breast to the other during the feeding (before the baby has "finished" the first side) the baby may get a relatively low amount of fat during the feeding. Don’t be fooled by modern thinking…that is NOT good!
By doing this you are actually giving the baby less calories , and thus needing to feed more frequently. Also, if the baby takes in a lot of milk (to make up the low concentration of fat and calories,) she may spit up or cause acid reflux.
Due to the low density fat content of the milk, the baby’s tummy will empty quickly, and a large load of milk sugar (lactose) will arrive in the baby’s intestine all at once. The stomach proteins may not be able to handle so much milk sugar at one time. This will cause your baby to have some symptoms of lactose intolerance--crying, gas, and explosive, watery, greenish bowel movements. This may occur even during the feeding.
NOTE: These babies are not lactose intolerant. They are just victims of incorrect breastfeeding coaching and lack of awareness by moms. Learn more about breastfeeding oversupply here...
Don’t Blame Yourself! Many moms who are misinformed think it must be something the mom did or could be doing to prevent or cause colic. That is just not true! MOST cases of colic there is absolutely nothing that you can do to prevent it or stop it! Just remember that it is not your fault and more importantly--It will PASS!
If you feel your frustration getting out of control hand that baby off to your hubby or a good friend and to take a break…a bubble bath or a walk!! Both colic and breastfeeding can be hard on moms! If, or should I say when, it gets to you then give yourself permission to take a rest. Make sure baby is feed, changed and well-rested...and then PLEASE just take a break!
thanks http://www.breastfeeding-magazine.com/colic-and-breastfeeding.html for the helpful tips!
I was once in the place where you are trying to manage both the colic and breastfeeding. My first tip: I completely recommend reading The Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Karp, MD. I found the 5 S's were the only long term solution. Yes, of course there were other tricks that often gave us brief relief like carseat on the dryer (yes, we held on the entire time for safety) or a car ride or running the vacuum cleaner. But when we did the 5 S's in order, no substitutions here people, it worked!
I know, some of you are saying "Ok, I can do four of the S's, but my baby loves to have his hands and legs free. I just do not feel right swaddling him". Well, I was one of you, before our colic got to the point of total frustration! Sure, my baby loved to explore with his hands but when it was time to settle down, he really needed the secure feeling that only swaddling could provide.
Now, I was given this book as a shower gift. I skimmed the important parts, dog-earring and highlighting. But when it came time to use it, I was so sleep deprived and crazed from the crying it took a while before I remembered I even had it! Then to find time to re-read to a point of retention so I could put the tools to use. Once we got the hang of it though, it was wonderful.
The most important thing for you to realize is that colic is not your fault and that breastfeeding is still the best thing that you can do for your baby. Switching to formula, as some people recommend, will only make it worse. In fact, some babies whose colic ends after three months seem to have it return when they are weaned from the breast!
What You Need to Know About Colic and Breastfeeding.
First of all, we need to understand what colic is. Colic is described as uncontrollable, extended crying in a baby who is well-fed, dry and otherwise should be fine. While every baby cries, some little ones cry for more than three hours a day, three to four days a week...these babies may have colic. My son was text book colic starting at about 5 weeks. Every night for about 4-6 hours he would just scream. No sitting the baby down to get anything done for us!
It is estimated that over 20% of babies have or get colic, and it usually starts around two to four weeks of age and can last for three months, or longer in some cases.
Tips: (I wish I had known this!!) If you are feeding from both breasts and have a fussy baby, I've been told that you may want to reconsider! Here is why, according to breastfeeding magazine: Breast milk changes during each feeding. One of the ways in which it changes is that the longer your baby feeds on a breast, the higher the fat content of the breast milk. (This higher fat milk is often referred to as hind milk.)
If mommies automatically switch the baby from one breast to the other during the feeding (before the baby has "finished" the first side) the baby may get a relatively low amount of fat during the feeding. Don’t be fooled by modern thinking…that is NOT good!
By doing this you are actually giving the baby less calories , and thus needing to feed more frequently. Also, if the baby takes in a lot of milk (to make up the low concentration of fat and calories,) she may spit up or cause acid reflux.
Due to the low density fat content of the milk, the baby’s tummy will empty quickly, and a large load of milk sugar (lactose) will arrive in the baby’s intestine all at once. The stomach proteins may not be able to handle so much milk sugar at one time. This will cause your baby to have some symptoms of lactose intolerance--crying, gas, and explosive, watery, greenish bowel movements. This may occur even during the feeding.
NOTE: These babies are not lactose intolerant. They are just victims of incorrect breastfeeding coaching and lack of awareness by moms. Learn more about breastfeeding oversupply here...
Don’t Blame Yourself! Many moms who are misinformed think it must be something the mom did or could be doing to prevent or cause colic. That is just not true! MOST cases of colic there is absolutely nothing that you can do to prevent it or stop it! Just remember that it is not your fault and more importantly--It will PASS!
If you feel your frustration getting out of control hand that baby off to your hubby or a good friend and to take a break…a bubble bath or a walk!! Both colic and breastfeeding can be hard on moms! If, or should I say when, it gets to you then give yourself permission to take a rest. Make sure baby is feed, changed and well-rested...and then PLEASE just take a break!
thanks http://www.breastfeeding-magazine.com/colic-and-breastfeeding.html for the helpful tips!
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