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Admit it. Most nursing bras are kind of industrial-looking. At least that is what I thought when I was shopping around for a nursing bra. I also found that while breastfeeding is natural and wonderful, it is also difficult and complex and sometimes it really hurts! The best advice I could find was to use warm compresses before nursing and cold compresses afterwards. But nobody could give me any tips for how to make the whole compress thing practical or COMFORTABLE! So, my design was patented and Nizo Wear was born. I firgured while I was at it I should make them pretty as well. Nizo Wear makes nursing bras that are de both functional and pretty. Lace and rhinestones, playful prints, shapely lines, all designed to help you feel stylish and good again.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Reflections from a breastfeeding mom

My friend Lisa, wonderful mom of 4, recently sent me her reflection/thoughts on breastfeeding. She summed it up so nicely that I wanted to share with all of you. I'm sure many of you have had similar reflections. What is the weirdest place you breastfed or weirdest thing you did while breastfeeding? Mine was either on the Subway in DC (wierd for me as I had never ridden the subway before) or possibly in the backseat of the car as my husband drove. It is amazing how stretchy breasts are :)- I was not very risque. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Lisa. You are an amazing inspiration! "As a mother of 4 children, I've spent a lot of time breastfeeding. I've learned to preform many tasks in a few dire situations. I've played board games, cooked, gone to the bathroom and even walked through a park with my older two children while pushing the empty stroller - all while my baby nurses. My infant now is almost 2 months old. With three older siblings he's had to experience a lot "on the fly." But every now and then, when I give myself the opportunity to actually watch him nurse, it melts my heart. He is so calm, so peaceful. I love the feeling of being able to give him the gift of comfort so naturally!" Lisa

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