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Admit it. Most nursing bras are kind of industrial-looking. At least that is what I thought when I was shopping around for a nursing bra. I also found that while breastfeeding is natural and wonderful, it is also difficult and complex and sometimes it really hurts! The best advice I could find was to use warm compresses before nursing and cold compresses afterwards. But nobody could give me any tips for how to make the whole compress thing practical or COMFORTABLE! So, my design was patented and Nizo Wear was born. I firgured while I was at it I should make them pretty as well. Nizo Wear makes nursing bras that are de both functional and pretty. Lace and rhinestones, playful prints, shapely lines, all designed to help you feel stylish and good again.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Not all of us truly love breastfeeding

I loved reading this post from the leaky boob on her true feelings of breastfeeding. I applaud her for her honesty and the fact that she had the courage to share with the thousands of women who follow her, knowing full well she would receive some backlash.
Breastfeeding is not always as easy or peaceful as people make it to be. In truth, I did NOT love breastfeeding the first few weeks I did it. It was painful, uncomfortable and a LOT of work! Then, we got into our groove, my son finally learned to correctly latch and then breastfeeding was amazingly wonderful. Pumping when I returned part-time to work was not though and the occaisional engorgement that came with it was definitely not. The days I had to pump I felt like breastfeeding was running me. But, on the days it was just my son and I, breastfeeding was amazing.
I know this is not everyone's experience so to all of you struggling new moms out there, read this experienced mother of six's personal account and know that you are not alone.

My favorite quote from the article that I feel is so true, "As her mother, there is an expansive satisfaction in making her happy that overwhelms even my own discomfort. I don’t see myself as a martyr, just as a mother who, like most parents, has to give up some of my own personal comfort for a time for the benefit of my child."

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