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Admit it. Most nursing bras are kind of industrial-looking. At least that is what I thought when I was shopping around for a nursing bra. I also found that while breastfeeding is natural and wonderful, it is also difficult and complex and sometimes it really hurts! The best advice I could find was to use warm compresses before nursing and cold compresses afterwards. But nobody could give me any tips for how to make the whole compress thing practical or COMFORTABLE! So, my design was patented and Nizo Wear was born. I firgured while I was at it I should make them pretty as well. Nizo Wear makes nursing bras that are de both functional and pretty. Lace and rhinestones, playful prints, shapely lines, all designed to help you feel stylish and good again.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Do I really need to replace my bras often?

Most of us put lingerie shopping at the last of the list. Lets face it, it can often times be exhausting. Nizo Wear's advice? Don’t skimp or go years before replacing your bras. Elastic stretches and looses shape and may very well not be giving you the support your body needs. Replace your bras a couple times a year.

The well considered clothes you periodically buy to spruce up your wardrobe will never look quite right without the proper underpinnings. Not to mention your overall comfort. It always amazes me how many women are wearing the completely wrong bra size or have never been properly fitted. So, please take the time to either measure yourself or have a professional do it for you (not the teenager in the big box store). Your form fitting cloths will thank you!

Check out our fit guide video for step-by-step instructions on how to measure yourself. Are you wearing the correct size now?

Happy Fitting,

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