(CNN) -- All newborn babies cry, but Anika Reese seemed to be in a category all her own. She screamed in pain nearly all the time, grabbing her own little cheeks so forcefully she sometimes drew blood.
Her mother, Suzanne, describes Anika's first four months as "living in hell with an angel."
"There are almost no words to describe what I thought was only some form of prison camp torture," Reese says.
Reese noticed her baby's stomach was swollen and her poops were green and frothy. Several friends and family members suggested it might be a problem with Reese's breast milk, and urged her to give Anika formula instead. But Reese was "hell-bent" on nursing and refused to stop.
Only 43% of moms breast-feeding at six months
Unlike Reese, many mothers, for various reasons, give up on nursing. While 75% of mothers breast-feed their babies soon after birth, only 43% are still nursing six months later, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends moms breast-feed for at least a year, but the first six months are especially crucial, says Dr. Lori Feldman-Winter, a spokesperson for the academy, since most babies that age aren't yet eating solid food and rely solely on milk for nutrition.
Reese was committed to nursing because of the significant health benefits to her baby: fewer cases of gastroenteritis and ear and upper respiratory infections, to name a few, and now a new study out of Australia shows some breast-fed babies do better academically later in life.
While it's not easy to overcome the hurdles of early breast-feeding -- whether it's sore nipples, a screaming baby, or a low milk supply -- Reese managed to do it.
When she noticed Anika's belly swollen and strange, frothy green poops, Reese called lactation consultants, who told her all babies have gas and to be patient. Then, when Anika was 7 weeks old, Reese noticed blood in her daughter's stool.
The Reeses raced to the emergency room near their home in Ramona, California. Doctors gave Anika a barium enema to get a good look at her intestines.
The test showed Anika's colon was normal. The Reeses then took Anika to a pediatric gastroenterologist, who advised Suzanne to stop eating foods that might be bothering Anika. But
Suzanne was already down to a diet of chicken, beef, sweet potatoes, and rice -- there was nothing more she could cut out.
Feeling like "a total failure," Reese still wasn't ready to give up nursing her baby. She called another lactation consultant, who listened patiently to her story and immediately offered this tip: pump some milk, throw it away, and put Anika to her breast.
"OVERNIGHT, we had a new baby!" Reese recalled in an e-mail. "INCREDIBLE! We were utterly relieved -- to the point of tears."
The lactation consultant explained Reese was producing too much foremilk, which is full of sugar and can irritate a baby's delicate gut if she gets too much of it. By pumping off the foremilk and getting rid of it, Reese was giving Anika more hindmilk, which has significantly less sugar.
"I was also utterly angry that we had to go through all of this when it was such a simple fix," Reese says.
Breast-feeding advice from moms who've been through "hell"
Reese found when it comes to breast-feeding, sometimes the experts who should know the answers -- pediatricians, lactation counselors -- don't.
"We're getting better at training residents to learn more about breast-feeding, but we still have a ways to go," says Feldman-Winter, a professor of pediatrics at Cooper University Hospital in New Jersey.
Reese is glad she kept looking for answers -- she's still nursing Anika, who turns 2 next month.
Various websites offer helpful breastfeeding tips, such as the American Academy of Family Physicians, pregnancy.org, and La Leche League International. In addition, La Leche League and babycenter.com offer forums where moms can seek advice from each other.
Read the full article to hear what other mothers who have to been through it have to say:
By Elizabeth Cohen, CNN Senior Medical Correspondent
cnnAuthor = "By Elizabeth Cohen, CNN Senior Medical Correspondent"December 23, 2010
About Me

- Nizo Wear
- Admit it. Most nursing bras are kind of industrial-looking. At least that is what I thought when I was shopping around for a nursing bra. I also found that while breastfeeding is natural and wonderful, it is also difficult and complex and sometimes it really hurts! The best advice I could find was to use warm compresses before nursing and cold compresses afterwards. But nobody could give me any tips for how to make the whole compress thing practical or COMFORTABLE! So, my design was patented and Nizo Wear was born. I firgured while I was at it I should make them pretty as well. Nizo Wear makes nursing bras that are de both functional and pretty. Lace and rhinestones, playful prints, shapely lines, all designed to help you feel stylish and good again.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Funny Breastfeeding Statistics
Did you know?
1. Norway is the only country to include breast milk in national food statistics.
2. The Philippines earned a unique Guinness Book of World Records achievement when 3,738 mothers nursed their babies simultaneously in Manila.
3. A study published in the June 2004 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine shows that breast milk is known to cure warts.
4. Kangaroos sometimes nurse their young until they're the same size as the mothers. Yikes!
Stats provided by S. Seip & A. Hedger in If These Boobs Could Talk
1. Norway is the only country to include breast milk in national food statistics.
2. The Philippines earned a unique Guinness Book of World Records achievement when 3,738 mothers nursed their babies simultaneously in Manila.
3. A study published in the June 2004 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine shows that breast milk is known to cure warts.
4. Kangaroos sometimes nurse their young until they're the same size as the mothers. Yikes!
Stats provided by S. Seip & A. Hedger in If These Boobs Could Talk
Funny Breastfeeding Statistics
Monday, December 13, 2010
8 Natural Cold Remedies
With the cold season if full swing, here are some natural cold remedies. My son's eyes bugged out of his head when I read him #3 (...turn off the wii...) he said "it does not really say that does it mom?" It was too funny! I have to say he did love doing number six though! What remedies work for you??
1. Vitamin D: is an important infection fighter and most children are not getting enough. The AAP recommends 400 IU per day. An eight-ounce glass of milk has about 100.
2. Probiotics: Some research suggests that bacteria found in foods like yogurt and keifer may help prevent respiratory infections. You can also simply purchase an over the counter pro-biotic for more bacteria for your buck! In one study of kids ages 3-5, those who consumed active lactobacillus cultures daily for six months during cold season were less likely to get sick and if they did the duration was shorter. It is especially important to give a pro-biotic if your child is on an antibiotic.
3. Sleep: Sleep and immune function are intertwined. People who don't get enough sleep are more susceptible to colds. If your child does get sick, let him stay home from school, turn off the Wii for a while, and let him rest.
4. Salt: A study last year in the International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology found this natural anti-inflammatory can help release mucus and ease breathing as well as soothe sore throats and coughs. For congestion, make a saline rinse with a half to a full teaspoon of salt per pint of warm water and administer it with a dropper (inexpensive saline nose rinses are also widely available). To treat a sore throat or cough, try teaching your child to gargle with the same warm saltwater solution. Try to make it a game and they may actually do it!
5. Moist air: Either a cool-mist humidifier or a warm vaporizer in your child's bedroom can help steam-clean nasal passages, reducing congestion. (Just make sure you keep whichever model you choose clean and out of your child's reach.) You can also steam up your bathroom, then take your cranky kiddo into this homemade sauna.
6. Honey: A study in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine found that honey at bedtime was more effective at quieting coughs than honey-tasting cough medicine. The dose is similar to that of over-the-counter cold medicines: a half teaspoon for kids age 1 to 5, a full teaspoon for kids 6 to 11 and two teaspoons for children 12 and up. (never give honey to a child under 1) The study used buckwheat honey, but other kinds should work fine too Dr. Kemper says (my son agrees).
7. Chicken soup: It's the go-to-get-well meal for a good reason-it helps! Research has shown that chicken soup has anti-inflammatory powers that stimulate the release of mucus reducing congestion (probably due to all the salt!).
8. Relaxation: That means you, Mom! "Parents stress when their child is sick," notes Dr. Bernstein. "Meanwhile, the kid's on the floor, playing with his toys, happy as can be, with snot coming out of his nose and coughing." Of course, if your child develops a fever or his symptoms seem to worsen, consult your doctor. Otherwise, try to remember: a normal cold will run its course over a week or so.
Thanks Laura Beil from Parenting Magazine's November Issue for the great tips!
1. Vitamin D: is an important infection fighter and most children are not getting enough. The AAP recommends 400 IU per day. An eight-ounce glass of milk has about 100.
2. Probiotics: Some research suggests that bacteria found in foods like yogurt and keifer may help prevent respiratory infections. You can also simply purchase an over the counter pro-biotic for more bacteria for your buck! In one study of kids ages 3-5, those who consumed active lactobacillus cultures daily for six months during cold season were less likely to get sick and if they did the duration was shorter. It is especially important to give a pro-biotic if your child is on an antibiotic.
3. Sleep: Sleep and immune function are intertwined. People who don't get enough sleep are more susceptible to colds. If your child does get sick, let him stay home from school, turn off the Wii for a while, and let him rest.
4. Salt: A study last year in the International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology found this natural anti-inflammatory can help release mucus and ease breathing as well as soothe sore throats and coughs. For congestion, make a saline rinse with a half to a full teaspoon of salt per pint of warm water and administer it with a dropper (inexpensive saline nose rinses are also widely available). To treat a sore throat or cough, try teaching your child to gargle with the same warm saltwater solution. Try to make it a game and they may actually do it!
5. Moist air: Either a cool-mist humidifier or a warm vaporizer in your child's bedroom can help steam-clean nasal passages, reducing congestion. (Just make sure you keep whichever model you choose clean and out of your child's reach.) You can also steam up your bathroom, then take your cranky kiddo into this homemade sauna.
6. Honey: A study in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine found that honey at bedtime was more effective at quieting coughs than honey-tasting cough medicine. The dose is similar to that of over-the-counter cold medicines: a half teaspoon for kids age 1 to 5, a full teaspoon for kids 6 to 11 and two teaspoons for children 12 and up. (never give honey to a child under 1) The study used buckwheat honey, but other kinds should work fine too Dr. Kemper says (my son agrees).
7. Chicken soup: It's the go-to-get-well meal for a good reason-it helps! Research has shown that chicken soup has anti-inflammatory powers that stimulate the release of mucus reducing congestion (probably due to all the salt!).
8. Relaxation: That means you, Mom! "Parents stress when their child is sick," notes Dr. Bernstein. "Meanwhile, the kid's on the floor, playing with his toys, happy as can be, with snot coming out of his nose and coughing." Of course, if your child develops a fever or his symptoms seem to worsen, consult your doctor. Otherwise, try to remember: a normal cold will run its course over a week or so.
Thanks Laura Beil from Parenting Magazine's November Issue for the great tips!
8 cold remedies
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Amazing gift
Met with Lori from "Tied up with a Bow" today. Not only does this amazing lady offer personal shopping for the holiday season (perfect for those either to busy or not physically able to shop on their own) but she will
1. drive to your house (no additional charge here people!)
2. pick up your already purchased gifts,
3. and either wrap them there with you if you prefer or she will take them home and return to you in two days! (again, no additional charge)
4. She uses all of her own wrapping supplies (and I have seen first hand that she does an beautiful job!)
5. She will also ship them for people who are unable or simply want her to!
The best part, besides that she is completely affordable, you can give her as a gift to someone!!! It is the gift that keeps giving! To give a gift that is not only practical, but to give joy to someone who no longer can wrap and give their own gifts? PRICELESS. If you live in the Madison area consider using her services or giving her as a gift! I love it! tiedupwithabow@hotmail.com
1. drive to your house (no additional charge here people!)
2. pick up your already purchased gifts,
3. and either wrap them there with you if you prefer or she will take them home and return to you in two days! (again, no additional charge)
4. She uses all of her own wrapping supplies (and I have seen first hand that she does an beautiful job!)
5. She will also ship them for people who are unable or simply want her to!
The best part, besides that she is completely affordable, you can give her as a gift to someone!!! It is the gift that keeps giving! To give a gift that is not only practical, but to give joy to someone who no longer can wrap and give their own gifts? PRICELESS. If you live in the Madison area consider using her services or giving her as a gift! I love it! tiedupwithabow@hotmail.com
Amazing gift
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Your milk is here-and you can't believe what it feels like! Here is how to explain it to your spouse.
It's like:
-An alien replaced your boobs with fourteen-pound explosive bowling balls.
-Truck tires that are dangerously overinflated.
-A wicked witch cast a spell on you that makes your boobs as solid as stone.
-You're wearing a superhero chest-plate of steel, and the villain is shooting lasers at it.
-There's a miniature army in your boobs and they are punching you from the inside.
-Your chest is the Hoover Dam and Lake Mead is pushing so hard, the dam is going to collapse in about two seconds.
-You went in to the hospital to give birth, but they accidentally gave you an enormous boob job.
If all this fails, relate it to him: It's like he woke up to find his testicles swollen to the size of grapefruits and as heavy as a pair of sandbags. (Oh yes, and burning like someone lit a bonfire inside of them.)
Thanks S. Seip & A. Hedger for giving us "If these BOOBS could talk" ! It is a much needed comic relief!
It's like:
-An alien replaced your boobs with fourteen-pound explosive bowling balls.
-Truck tires that are dangerously overinflated.
-A wicked witch cast a spell on you that makes your boobs as solid as stone.
-You're wearing a superhero chest-plate of steel, and the villain is shooting lasers at it.
-There's a miniature army in your boobs and they are punching you from the inside.
-Your chest is the Hoover Dam and Lake Mead is pushing so hard, the dam is going to collapse in about two seconds.
-You went in to the hospital to give birth, but they accidentally gave you an enormous boob job.
If all this fails, relate it to him: It's like he woke up to find his testicles swollen to the size of grapefruits and as heavy as a pair of sandbags. (Oh yes, and burning like someone lit a bonfire inside of them.)
Thanks S. Seip & A. Hedger for giving us "If these BOOBS could talk" ! It is a much needed comic relief!
Tips on how to choose the right bra
Choosing the right bra is always a difficult process! Here are a few tips
-Make sure the band is snug. Your band is what provides you with support. You should only be able to fit one or two fingers between your back and the band.
-Buy a bra that fits on the last hook since bras will stretch over time and you will want to maintain the snug fit for maximum support and comfort.
-Department store bras only last three to six months; a better-quality bra will alst for a year or more and is worth the investment.
-Hand washing (with a lingerie detergent) and air-drying flat will extend the life of your undergarments. Bras should be washed every few wears as the oils in your skin break down the elasticity of the bra.
Thanks Modern Bliss for these great tips!
-Make sure the band is snug. Your band is what provides you with support. You should only be able to fit one or two fingers between your back and the band.
-Buy a bra that fits on the last hook since bras will stretch over time and you will want to maintain the snug fit for maximum support and comfort.
-Department store bras only last three to six months; a better-quality bra will alst for a year or more and is worth the investment.
-Hand washing (with a lingerie detergent) and air-drying flat will extend the life of your undergarments. Bras should be washed every few wears as the oils in your skin break down the elasticity of the bra.
Thanks Modern Bliss for these great tips!
Bra Bits
Top ten most surprising things about breastfeeding.
Top ten most surprising things about breastfeeding according to "If these Boobs could talk" Seip & Hedger.
1. How many holes there are when the milk comes out of your nipple.
2. How much they deflate after a feeding.
3. How quickly they fill back up.
4. How many days in a fow you can wear your favorite nursing bra.
5. How fast adn easy it is to prepare your baby's meal.
6. How satisfying it is to coax a little burp from your baby.
7. How absolutely thirsty you get while nursing.
8. How it can take almost an hour for baby to eat an entire meal of three ounces.
9. How your baby can just fall right asleep, smack in the middle of a meal.
10. How a person can enjoy eating the same thing, every meal, every day for months on end.
What was the thing that surprised you the most???
1. How many holes there are when the milk comes out of your nipple.
2. How much they deflate after a feeding.
3. How quickly they fill back up.
4. How many days in a fow you can wear your favorite nursing bra.
5. How fast adn easy it is to prepare your baby's meal.
6. How satisfying it is to coax a little burp from your baby.
7. How absolutely thirsty you get while nursing.
8. How it can take almost an hour for baby to eat an entire meal of three ounces.
9. How your baby can just fall right asleep, smack in the middle of a meal.
10. How a person can enjoy eating the same thing, every meal, every day for months on end.
What was the thing that surprised you the most???
Think you can't live without an underwire?
I hear from some women that they just cant live without their underwire bra. Well, I get it. There are many poorly constructed bras out there that need an underwire to offer any support.
But when you are breastfeeding, wearing an underwire greatly increases your risk of getting a plugged milk duct.
Nizo Wear has designed a bra that offers gentle support without the underwire. Here is what store owner Tina Marie from Tina Marie's boutique in Algoma Wisconsin has heard from her customers about Nizo Wear's Solace style nursing bra.
"My underwire gals are just as excited about the non-underwire nursing bra (Solace) once they get it on! They can hardly believe how great they truly are!"
But when you are breastfeeding, wearing an underwire greatly increases your risk of getting a plugged milk duct.
Nizo Wear has designed a bra that offers gentle support without the underwire. Here is what store owner Tina Marie from Tina Marie's boutique in Algoma Wisconsin has heard from her customers about Nizo Wear's Solace style nursing bra.
"My underwire gals are just as excited about the non-underwire nursing bra (Solace) once they get it on! They can hardly believe how great they truly are!"
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Top ten things your breastfeeding boobs would say if they could talk
A little boob humor to pick up you breastfeeding mamas!
according to "If these boobs could talk" by S. Seip & A. Hedger:
1. Since when are we open twenty-four hours?
2. Get the soothing gel. Get it now.
3. Sir, this is a "Babies Only" zone.
4. Kid, how can you not see our nipples when they're the size of paper plates?
5. Woo Hoo! We're spraying across the room!
6. Wow, we look spectacular!
7. Wait, now we look like old gym socks.
8. Hmmm, do we hear a baby crying somewh....and there's the milk.
9. Hey, we dont get paid enough to work this hard.
10. Oh great. A tooth.
according to "If these boobs could talk" by S. Seip & A. Hedger:
1. Since when are we open twenty-four hours?
2. Get the soothing gel. Get it now.
3. Sir, this is a "Babies Only" zone.
4. Kid, how can you not see our nipples when they're the size of paper plates?
5. Woo Hoo! We're spraying across the room!
6. Wow, we look spectacular!
7. Wait, now we look like old gym socks.
8. Hmmm, do we hear a baby crying somewh....and there's the milk.
9. Hey, we dont get paid enough to work this hard.
10. Oh great. A tooth.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
7 ways to lower her risk of breast cancer!
Research shows that breastfeeding lowers the mother's risk of breast cancer. Here are 6 other musts for every woman to lower her risk of breast cancer (according to Woman's Day magazine October 2010).
1. Stay a healthy weight.
Research shows that postmenopausal women who are obese are 1.5 times as likely to develop breast cancer.
2. Exercise.
The National Cancer Institute shows that exercising four or more hours a week can decrease estrogen levels and in turn help lower breast cancer risk.
3. Limit alcohol.
Limit yourself to no more than one alcoholic beverage a day. The more you consume, the greater the danger.
4. Know your family history.
If your mother, grandmother or maternal aunt developed breast cancer at age 50 or earlier, you may carry the gene BRCA1 or BRCA2, which can place your lifetime risk of breast cancer at 60% (and your risk of ovarian cancer at 15-40%)
5. Eat Healthy.
Diet rich in fruits, vegetables, fish, olive oil, whole grains and legumes is linked to a reduced risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women.
6. Check your D levels.
Research shows women who got a lot of vitamin D from diet, supplements or spending time out doors were 25-50% less likely to develop breast cancer than those with lower levels.
1. Stay a healthy weight.
Research shows that postmenopausal women who are obese are 1.5 times as likely to develop breast cancer.
2. Exercise.
The National Cancer Institute shows that exercising four or more hours a week can decrease estrogen levels and in turn help lower breast cancer risk.
3. Limit alcohol.
Limit yourself to no more than one alcoholic beverage a day. The more you consume, the greater the danger.
4. Know your family history.
If your mother, grandmother or maternal aunt developed breast cancer at age 50 or earlier, you may carry the gene BRCA1 or BRCA2, which can place your lifetime risk of breast cancer at 60% (and your risk of ovarian cancer at 15-40%)
5. Eat Healthy.
Diet rich in fruits, vegetables, fish, olive oil, whole grains and legumes is linked to a reduced risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women.
6. Check your D levels.
Research shows women who got a lot of vitamin D from diet, supplements or spending time out doors were 25-50% less likely to develop breast cancer than those with lower levels.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Top ten must haves for parents!
I saw many amazing must have items for parents at the ABC show this past weekend! Here is a list of just a few. (number 1 is the grossest, and yet is my favorite!) Enjoy: 
10. Baby Bubadoo:
This is more than just a diaper changing wrap. This amazing wrap not only keeps your little ones squirming to a minimum while you change their diaper but it keeps them from not touching dirty walls on the go or their dirty diaper area as you clean! AND it keeps your bundle of joy dry if you are not quick enough putting the new diaper on :). http://babybubadoo.com/

10. Baby Bubadoo:
This is more than just a diaper changing wrap. This amazing wrap not only keeps your little ones squirming to a minimum while you change their diaper but it keeps them from not touching dirty walls on the go or their dirty diaper area as you clean! AND it keeps your bundle of joy dry if you are not quick enough putting the new diaper on :). http://babybubadoo.com/
9. Pirose Nursing Scarf:
This stylish and innovative nursing scarf has endless fashion potential with 10 stylish prints and 3 sizes. You can wear this so many ways and is lightweight and breathable! http://www.renorose.com/
This stylish and innovative nursing scarf has endless fashion potential with 10 stylish prints and 3 sizes. You can wear this so many ways and is lightweight and breathable! http://www.renorose.com/
8. Milkies: helping mothers meet their breastfeeding goals
Milkies is a milksaver that catches leaking milk so no precious drop is waisted. So innovative and useful. http://www.mymilkies.com/

Milkies is a milksaver that catches leaking milk so no precious drop is waisted. So innovative and useful. http://www.mymilkies.com/

7. Milk Trays: by Sensible Lines
Exactly what is sounds like! Ice cube trays meant for breastmilk, shaped in an ingenious design to fit in any size bottle for easy thaw! Small amounts frozen at a time ensures the maximum amount of nutrients are saved. www.sensiblelines.com
Exactly what is sounds like! Ice cube trays meant for breastmilk, shaped in an ingenious design to fit in any size bottle for easy thaw! Small amounts frozen at a time ensures the maximum amount of nutrients are saved. www.sensiblelines.com

6. HotMomEase TM: Maternity Support Ultimate by Margo Innovations
This support belt extraordinaire was designed and patented by a labor and delivery nurse! She designed a this belt after many years of prototyping. The finished product: a support belt with a pocket for a hot/cold pack conveniently placed across the back for pain relief! Brilliant. http://www.margoinnovations.com/
5. Undercover Mama
Make any shirt a nursing shirt. Undercover Mama is a strapless undershirt that hooks to your favorite nursing bra. Discreet, stylish, and practical Undercover Mama makes nursing your baby easy and convenient, at home or on the go! http://www.undercovermama.com/
4. The mommy measure:
If you are looking for the perfect pregnancy gift, the Mommy Measure is it! Our unique patent pending pregnancy growth chart & journal make it easy to record your belly growth (Fundal height / belly circumference) and pregnancy milestones.
BETTER YET: The Mommy Measure can also be used to track your baby's first year of growth! Simply lay the Mommy Measure™ alongside your baby on a flat surface and mark their length and write special milestones. http://www.mommymeasure.com/
This support belt extraordinaire was designed and patented by a labor and delivery nurse! She designed a this belt after many years of prototyping. The finished product: a support belt with a pocket for a hot/cold pack conveniently placed across the back for pain relief! Brilliant. http://www.margoinnovations.com/
5. Undercover Mama
Make any shirt a nursing shirt. Undercover Mama is a strapless undershirt that hooks to your favorite nursing bra. Discreet, stylish, and practical Undercover Mama makes nursing your baby easy and convenient, at home or on the go! http://www.undercovermama.com/
4. The mommy measure:

If you are looking for the perfect pregnancy gift, the Mommy Measure is it! Our unique patent pending pregnancy growth chart & journal make it easy to record your belly growth (Fundal height / belly circumference) and pregnancy milestones.
BETTER YET: The Mommy Measure can also be used to track your baby's first year of growth! Simply lay the Mommy Measure™ alongside your baby on a flat surface and mark their length and write special milestones. http://www.mommymeasure.com/
3. Bamboobies Nursing Pads:
They are unique because they are made from a soft bamboo, organic cotton hemp so they are super soft, ultra thin and waterproof aka "milk-proof"! http://buybamboobies.com/

2. The Learning Tower: by Little Partners
Have a toddler who wants to “do it myself.”? Carol had one, which inspired her to create a safe way for her daughter to be curious and explore. The learning tower lets kids do everything from washing their hands to slicing a banana for snack to rolling out dough on an adjustable height platform, offering quality, safety and flexibility. Today, The Learning Tower is distributed around the world and enjoyed by young toddlers everywhere as they safely explore, discover and experience the world around them! http://www.littlepartners.com/
1. This was by far the weirdest invention I saw at the ABC kids show, yet it totally made sense to me!
The Snot Sucker! This is a nasal aspirator that works! It was developed by Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists at the University Hospital MAS in Malmo, Sweden. I wish I had this with my son. I know it looks gross, but it'snot!! http://www.nosefrida.com/
Have a toddler who wants to “do it myself.”? Carol had one, which inspired her to create a safe way for her daughter to be curious and explore. The learning tower lets kids do everything from washing their hands to slicing a banana for snack to rolling out dough on an adjustable height platform, offering quality, safety and flexibility. Today, The Learning Tower is distributed around the world and enjoyed by young toddlers everywhere as they safely explore, discover and experience the world around them! http://www.littlepartners.com/
1. This was by far the weirdest invention I saw at the ABC kids show, yet it totally made sense to me!
The Snot Sucker! This is a nasal aspirator that works! It was developed by Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists at the University Hospital MAS in Malmo, Sweden. I wish I had this with my son. I know it looks gross, but it'snot!! http://www.nosefrida.com/

Top ten must haves for parents
Friday, September 3, 2010
Vote for the next color in the Nizo Wear line

Vote for the next color nursing bra in the Nizo Wear line! Black or Nude? Post votes on facebook page. http://ow.ly/2zh23
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Mom love life
According to Dr. Laura Berman "if you don't feel sexy, you won't want sex." She recommends making "sexy a part of your daily routine." So go ahead and get those undergarments that make you feel sexy ladies! You are worth it, your partner will appreciate it, and everyone will be happier for it!
[love life J BYTULAOARRAS]
"My partner and I have a great sex life, except for one thing: It's hard for me to go from "mommy" to "naughty" quickly, and often we only have time for a quickie. How can I make the transition?
It's not unusual for moms to struggle with the shift from mother to lover. Unhooking from the daily whirlwind and enjoying the here-and-now with your partner isn't always easy, but the more you do it, the better you'll get at it.
Some ways you can flip the switch: CULTIVATE A FANTASY LIFE...all day long! Allowing erotic thoughts to flit in and out of your head during the day will lay the groundwork for the big event later on. Let your mind run wild while you're showering in the morning or stuck in traffic. The daydreams don't have to be about your partner, either. With fantasies, anything is fair game.
When you and your partner do hook up, tune in to one of your favorite fantasies to help get
you in the mood, pronto. MAKE "SEXY" A PART OF YOUR DAILY ROUTINE. If you don't feel sexy, you won't want sex. So you have to tap into that side of yourself regularly, even outside the bedroom. Whether it's enjoying a glass of wine or wearing a leopard-print thong underneath your sweats, spicy rituals are concrete reminders that you're a sensual being.
MEDITATE FORA MINUTE. When the moment presents itself, take a minute (he'll wait) to just breathe. During this decompression, allow yourself to let go of your "mommy" persona. You're
a great mother, but that's just one part of who you are. ASK THE MOM SQUAD Laura Berman, Ph.D., author of Talking to Your Kids About. Sex, runs a sex therapy clinic in Chicago. Send her your questions at momsquad@parenting.com. 1,000 ways to say "I love you" #393 "I say yes."
+Leslie Garrison,Raleigh,NC
Article was taken from July 2010 Parenting magazine.
[love life J BYTULAOARRAS]
"My partner and I have a great sex life, except for one thing: It's hard for me to go from "mommy" to "naughty" quickly, and often we only have time for a quickie. How can I make the transition?
It's not unusual for moms to struggle with the shift from mother to lover. Unhooking from the daily whirlwind and enjoying the here-and-now with your partner isn't always easy, but the more you do it, the better you'll get at it.
Some ways you can flip the switch: CULTIVATE A FANTASY LIFE...all day long! Allowing erotic thoughts to flit in and out of your head during the day will lay the groundwork for the big event later on. Let your mind run wild while you're showering in the morning or stuck in traffic. The daydreams don't have to be about your partner, either. With fantasies, anything is fair game.
When you and your partner do hook up, tune in to one of your favorite fantasies to help get
you in the mood, pronto. MAKE "SEXY" A PART OF YOUR DAILY ROUTINE. If you don't feel sexy, you won't want sex. So you have to tap into that side of yourself regularly, even outside the bedroom. Whether it's enjoying a glass of wine or wearing a leopard-print thong underneath your sweats, spicy rituals are concrete reminders that you're a sensual being.
MEDITATE FORA MINUTE. When the moment presents itself, take a minute (he'll wait) to just breathe. During this decompression, allow yourself to let go of your "mommy" persona. You're
a great mother, but that's just one part of who you are. ASK THE MOM SQUAD Laura Berman, Ph.D., author of Talking to Your Kids About. Sex, runs a sex therapy clinic in Chicago. Send her your questions at momsquad@parenting.com. 1,000 ways to say "I love you" #393 "I say yes."
+Leslie Garrison,Raleigh,NC
Article was taken from July 2010 Parenting magazine.
Mom love life
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Racine, WI Breastfeeding Initiative
Great article about Racine's one of a kind breastfeeding awareness initiative! I cant wait to see the cut-outs tomorrow!
If you are in the Racine, WI area stop by the City Hall at 1:00 for the unveiling and cake! Then stop by RG Natural Babies (www.rgnaturalbabies.com ) for a free bra fitting and 10% off a Nizo Wear nursing bra!
If you are in the Racine, WI area stop by the City Hall at 1:00 for the unveiling and cake! Then stop by RG Natural Babies (www.rgnaturalbabies.com ) for a free bra fitting and 10% off a Nizo Wear nursing bra!
WI Breastfeeding Initiative
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Nizo Wear Behind the Scenes Photo Shoot
There is a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes of a great photo shoot! The models, photographer, Anya Wait, and all helping did an amazing job! We all cant wait to see the photos!
Check out our Facebook page for an exclusive sneak peek at a few shots!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Granola bar recipe for on the go moms!

By Emily Rozell
These are great-tasting and good for you, and make an excellent breakfast, dessert, or quick snack on the go. The perfect pick me up snack for moms and kids alike!
2 cups oats 1 cup flour
3/4 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup raisins
1/2 cup wheat germ
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup honey
1 egg
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
optional: a handful of nuts, chocolate chips, dried fruit (like cranberries, bananas, or blueberries), flax seeds, etc.
Preheat oven to 350°. Line a 9x13 pan with foil or parchment paper then coat with a little oil. Combine dry ingredients in a bowl: oats, flour, brown sugar, raisins, wheat germ, salt and cinnamon (and any of the optional ingredients). In another bowl mix wet ingredients: oil, honey, egg and vanilla. Pour the wet mixture into dry mixture and stir by hand until blended. Press evenly into the pan. Bake 25-30 minutes. Let cool completely then turn out onto a cutting board. Remove the foil/paper and cut into bars. Wrap individually in foil or plastic wrap.
Granola Bar recipe
Friday, August 6, 2010
Tips on Biting with breastfeeding
Tips on Biting
By Catherine Watson Genna, BS, IBCLC
Mothers sometimes worry about breastfeeding when their baby has teeth. Most babies do not bite, but a few do. There are things moms can do to stop baby from biting. It helps to know a little about how breastfeeding works. In order to suck, a baby needs to keep his tongue over his lower gum. This places the tongue between the teeth and the breast. Having the tongue over the gum stops the bite reflex. If the baby is latched properly, the nipple is deep in the mouth and protected from baby’s teeth. However, sometimes a baby may release the normal, deep latch and clamp down on the mother’s breast.
• Some babies bite to reduce the flow of milk if it is too fast for them. Try leaning back while feeding. Putting the baby in more upright feeding position helps manage a fast milk flow. Avoid pressing on the baby’s head. This allows him to let go of the breast if he needs to take a breath.
• Some older babies bite because their gums are sore from teething. Keep the gums clean with a soft baby toothbrush and plain water, or gauze moistened with cold water. This can reduce swelling and make baby feel better. Allow the baby to chew on a teething ring.
• Sometimes babies bite because they are not really interested in feeding at that moment. Older babies sometimes bite at the end of the feeding when they get distracted or want to play. Wait until the baby really wants to eat and don’t encourage the baby to stay on if he grows restless.
• Occasionally, a baby will bite if they are teething and receiving bottles…as they can bite on an artificial nipple without causing pain. When they try to do this with mother, her reaction may be surprising and confusing. Switching the baby to a sippee cup instead of a bottle may help.
Try to teach the baby not to clamp down on the breast before the teeth come in. If baby closes his gums on the breast, remove him from the breast and end the feeding for at least a few minutes. In a firm tone, say: “Don’t bite.” Some mothers also follow, in a gentler tone, with “Gentle with mom.” or “Open wide.” Babies are smart. They learn from the consequences of their actions. If clamping down on the breast means it is taken away, most babies will stop clamping.
If your baby bites, keep a finger ready to remove baby if he clamps down on the breast. Some mothers briefly pull the baby in close to block his nose. This will cause him to open his mouth to breathe, allowing mom to safely unlatch him.
By Catherine Watson Genna, BS, IBCLC
Mothers sometimes worry about breastfeeding when their baby has teeth. Most babies do not bite, but a few do. There are things moms can do to stop baby from biting. It helps to know a little about how breastfeeding works. In order to suck, a baby needs to keep his tongue over his lower gum. This places the tongue between the teeth and the breast. Having the tongue over the gum stops the bite reflex. If the baby is latched properly, the nipple is deep in the mouth and protected from baby’s teeth. However, sometimes a baby may release the normal, deep latch and clamp down on the mother’s breast.
• Some babies bite to reduce the flow of milk if it is too fast for them. Try leaning back while feeding. Putting the baby in more upright feeding position helps manage a fast milk flow. Avoid pressing on the baby’s head. This allows him to let go of the breast if he needs to take a breath.
• Some older babies bite because their gums are sore from teething. Keep the gums clean with a soft baby toothbrush and plain water, or gauze moistened with cold water. This can reduce swelling and make baby feel better. Allow the baby to chew on a teething ring.
• Sometimes babies bite because they are not really interested in feeding at that moment. Older babies sometimes bite at the end of the feeding when they get distracted or want to play. Wait until the baby really wants to eat and don’t encourage the baby to stay on if he grows restless.
• Occasionally, a baby will bite if they are teething and receiving bottles…as they can bite on an artificial nipple without causing pain. When they try to do this with mother, her reaction may be surprising and confusing. Switching the baby to a sippee cup instead of a bottle may help.
Try to teach the baby not to clamp down on the breast before the teeth come in. If baby closes his gums on the breast, remove him from the breast and end the feeding for at least a few minutes. In a firm tone, say: “Don’t bite.” Some mothers also follow, in a gentler tone, with “Gentle with mom.” or “Open wide.” Babies are smart. They learn from the consequences of their actions. If clamping down on the breast means it is taken away, most babies will stop clamping.
If your baby bites, keep a finger ready to remove baby if he clamps down on the breast. Some mothers briefly pull the baby in close to block his nose. This will cause him to open his mouth to breathe, allowing mom to safely unlatch him.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Breastfeeding tips from World Health Organization
1. WHO strongly recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life. At six months, other foods should complement breastfeeding for up to two years or more.
2. Health Benefits for infant: Breast milk is the ideal food for newborns and infants. It gives infants all the nutrients they need for healthy development. It is safe and contains antibodies that help protect infants from common childhood illnesses - such as diarrhoea and pneumonia, the two primary causes of child mortality worldwide. Breast milk is readily available and affordable, which helps to ensure that infants get adequate sustenance.
3. Bennies for Mom: Breastfeeding also benefits mothers. The practice when done exclusively often induces a lack of menstruation, which is a natural (though not fail-safe) method of birth control. It reduces risks of breast and ovarian cancer later in life, helps women return to their pre-pregnancy weight faster, and lowers rates of obesity.
4. Long-Term Bennies for children: Beyond the immediate benefits for children, breastfeeding contributes to a lifetime of good health. Adults who were breastfed as babies often have lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol, as well as lower rates of overweight, obesity and type-2 diabetes. There is evidence that people who were breastfed perform better in intelligence tests.
5. Why not formula? Infant formula does not contain the antibodies found in breast milk and is linked to some risks, such as water-borne diseases that arise from mixing powdered formula with unsafe water (many families lack access to clean water). Malnutrition can result from over-diluting formula to "stretch" supplies. Further, frequent feedings maintain the breast milk supply. If formula is used but becomes unavailable, a return to breastfeeding may not be an option due to diminished breast milk production.
6. HIV and breastfeeding: For HIV-positive mothers, WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months.
7. Regulating breast milk substitutes: An international code to regulate the marketing of breast-milk substitutes was adopted in 1981. It calls for:
-all formula labels and information to state the benefits of breastfeeding and the health risks of substitutes;
-no promotion of breast-milk substitutes;
-no free samples of substitutes to be given to pregnant women, mothers or their families; and
-no distribution of free or subsidized substitutes to health workers or facilities.
8. Support for moms is essential: Breastfeeding has to be learned and many women encounter difficulties at the beginning. Nipple pain, and fear that there is not enough milk to sustain the baby are common. Health facilities that support breastfeeding - by making trained breastfeeding counsellors available to new mothers - encourage higher rates of the practice. To provide this support and improve care for mothers and newborns, there are now more than 20 000 "baby-friendly" facilities in 152 countries thanks to a WHO-UNICEF initiative.
9. Work and Breastfeeding: WHO recommends that a new mother should have at least 16 weeks of absence from work after delivery, to be able to rest and breastfeed her child. Many mothers who go back to work abandon exclusive breastfeeding before the recommended six months because they do not have sufficient time, or an adequate place to breastfeed or express and store their milk at work. Mothers need access to a safe, clean and private place in or near their workplaces to continue the practice.
10. Phasing in new foods: WHO To meet the growing needs of babies at six months of age, complementary foods should be introduced as they continue to breastfeed. Foods for the baby can be specially prepared or modified from family meals. WHO notes that:
breastfeeding should not be decreased when starting complementary feeding;
complementary foods should be given with a spoon or cup, not in a bottle;
foods should be clean, safe and locally available; and
ample time is needed for young children to learn to eat solid foods.
2. Health Benefits for infant: Breast milk is the ideal food for newborns and infants. It gives infants all the nutrients they need for healthy development. It is safe and contains antibodies that help protect infants from common childhood illnesses - such as diarrhoea and pneumonia, the two primary causes of child mortality worldwide. Breast milk is readily available and affordable, which helps to ensure that infants get adequate sustenance.
3. Bennies for Mom: Breastfeeding also benefits mothers. The practice when done exclusively often induces a lack of menstruation, which is a natural (though not fail-safe) method of birth control. It reduces risks of breast and ovarian cancer later in life, helps women return to their pre-pregnancy weight faster, and lowers rates of obesity.
4. Long-Term Bennies for children: Beyond the immediate benefits for children, breastfeeding contributes to a lifetime of good health. Adults who were breastfed as babies often have lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol, as well as lower rates of overweight, obesity and type-2 diabetes. There is evidence that people who were breastfed perform better in intelligence tests.
5. Why not formula? Infant formula does not contain the antibodies found in breast milk and is linked to some risks, such as water-borne diseases that arise from mixing powdered formula with unsafe water (many families lack access to clean water). Malnutrition can result from over-diluting formula to "stretch" supplies. Further, frequent feedings maintain the breast milk supply. If formula is used but becomes unavailable, a return to breastfeeding may not be an option due to diminished breast milk production.
6. HIV and breastfeeding: For HIV-positive mothers, WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months.
7. Regulating breast milk substitutes: An international code to regulate the marketing of breast-milk substitutes was adopted in 1981. It calls for:
-all formula labels and information to state the benefits of breastfeeding and the health risks of substitutes;
-no promotion of breast-milk substitutes;
-no free samples of substitutes to be given to pregnant women, mothers or their families; and
-no distribution of free or subsidized substitutes to health workers or facilities.
8. Support for moms is essential: Breastfeeding has to be learned and many women encounter difficulties at the beginning. Nipple pain, and fear that there is not enough milk to sustain the baby are common. Health facilities that support breastfeeding - by making trained breastfeeding counsellors available to new mothers - encourage higher rates of the practice. To provide this support and improve care for mothers and newborns, there are now more than 20 000 "baby-friendly" facilities in 152 countries thanks to a WHO-UNICEF initiative.
9. Work and Breastfeeding: WHO recommends that a new mother should have at least 16 weeks of absence from work after delivery, to be able to rest and breastfeed her child. Many mothers who go back to work abandon exclusive breastfeeding before the recommended six months because they do not have sufficient time, or an adequate place to breastfeed or express and store their milk at work. Mothers need access to a safe, clean and private place in or near their workplaces to continue the practice.
10. Phasing in new foods: WHO To meet the growing needs of babies at six months of age, complementary foods should be introduced as they continue to breastfeed. Foods for the baby can be specially prepared or modified from family meals. WHO notes that:
breastfeeding should not be decreased when starting complementary feeding;
complementary foods should be given with a spoon or cup, not in a bottle;
foods should be clean, safe and locally available; and
ample time is needed for young children to learn to eat solid foods.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
How to pick a well fitting nursing bra
Because a woman's breasts undergo numerous changes during and after pregnancy - becoming larger, heavier and more sensitive - it's important to get a good maternity bra. A well fitting, supportive bra will help reduce fatigue and make you feel more comfortable. Furthermore, a good fit is imperative because it ensures successful breast feeding by maintaining proper blood flow, which in turn prevents plugged ducts and mastitis.
Because breasts are more sensitive during and after pregnancy, most women abandon their underwire bras in favor of an all-fabric construction. Only women accustomed to wearing an underwire bra should consider doing so while nursing. A proper fit is critical: make sure the wire doesn't put pressure on the breast tissue.
When shopping for a maternity bra, don't rely on buying the same size you've been wearing. To get the most comfort and support, it's best to be fitted by a specialist. Take advantage of the sales staff's expertise.
The bottom band should fit snugly. A bra should not be worn too loosely around the rib cage; that allows it to ride up, keeping it from providing sufficient support and allowing the breasts to droop. The more you tighten the shoulder straps to raise the breasts, the more you raise the bra back above the shoulder blades, reducing support and increasing discomfort.You should be able to feel your rib cage just below the bra.
The breast should not be below the bottom edge of your bra, and each breast should be completely enclosed within the cup. If the bra seems to fit but continues to ride up in the back, try a larger cup size.The cups should be large enough to provide full coverage, with sufficient depth to fully support the breasts. If the bra doesn't fit snugly against the rib cage, the cup size might be too small. The result is inadequate support, potentially with ride-up in the back, drooping in the front or breasts slipping or bulging out from the bra.
Things to keep in mind when shopping for maternity or nursing bras:Choose a bra that allows easy access to the breast, with skin-to-skin contact for convenient nursing. A one-hand cup opening can be particularly handy.The best time to shop for maternity or nursing bras is during the final weeks of your pregnancy. Your breasts will continue to change as your due date approaches, but selecting a bra in the last weeks will help guarantee a good fit after the baby is born. You may have to get a different size later when your milk supply is increased.
Good luck!
Thanks squidoo.com/nursingbras for the great tips!
Because breasts are more sensitive during and after pregnancy, most women abandon their underwire bras in favor of an all-fabric construction. Only women accustomed to wearing an underwire bra should consider doing so while nursing. A proper fit is critical: make sure the wire doesn't put pressure on the breast tissue.
When shopping for a maternity bra, don't rely on buying the same size you've been wearing. To get the most comfort and support, it's best to be fitted by a specialist. Take advantage of the sales staff's expertise.
The bottom band should fit snugly. A bra should not be worn too loosely around the rib cage; that allows it to ride up, keeping it from providing sufficient support and allowing the breasts to droop. The more you tighten the shoulder straps to raise the breasts, the more you raise the bra back above the shoulder blades, reducing support and increasing discomfort.You should be able to feel your rib cage just below the bra.
The breast should not be below the bottom edge of your bra, and each breast should be completely enclosed within the cup. If the bra seems to fit but continues to ride up in the back, try a larger cup size.The cups should be large enough to provide full coverage, with sufficient depth to fully support the breasts. If the bra doesn't fit snugly against the rib cage, the cup size might be too small. The result is inadequate support, potentially with ride-up in the back, drooping in the front or breasts slipping or bulging out from the bra.
Things to keep in mind when shopping for maternity or nursing bras:Choose a bra that allows easy access to the breast, with skin-to-skin contact for convenient nursing. A one-hand cup opening can be particularly handy.The best time to shop for maternity or nursing bras is during the final weeks of your pregnancy. Your breasts will continue to change as your due date approaches, but selecting a bra in the last weeks will help guarantee a good fit after the baby is born. You may have to get a different size later when your milk supply is increased.
Good luck!
Thanks squidoo.com/nursingbras for the great tips!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
How to be free of back pain when Breastfeeding.
If a new mother does not get her posture just right during feedings, back pain can often occur.
If a woman suffers from back pain while she is carrying her child inside her, it is very likely she could suffer from back pain while breastfeeding her new baby. But new mothers should not be discouraged by that fact, as there are many tips to get the most out of breastfeeding while still keeping her back in good shape. Here are a few quick tips to help:
-Use a good supportive chair or place a pillow behind you to ensure support and comfort.
-Use a chair with arm support.
-Use a foot rest.
-Make sure you are bringing the baby towards your breast rather than straining your back to lean over the child.
For the full article check out this link: http://www.betterhealthcentre.com/breastfeeding/breastfeeding_back_pain.htm
If a woman suffers from back pain while she is carrying her child inside her, it is very likely she could suffer from back pain while breastfeeding her new baby. But new mothers should not be discouraged by that fact, as there are many tips to get the most out of breastfeeding while still keeping her back in good shape. Here are a few quick tips to help:
-Use a good supportive chair or place a pillow behind you to ensure support and comfort.
-Use a chair with arm support.
-Use a foot rest.
-Make sure you are bringing the baby towards your breast rather than straining your back to lean over the child.
For the full article check out this link: http://www.betterhealthcentre.com/breastfeeding/breastfeeding_back_pain.htm
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Mastitis vs. Blocked Duct and what to do about it
Mastitis is a bacterial infection of the breast that usually occurs in breastfeeding mothers.
Mastitis needs to be differentiated from a plugged or blocked duct, because the plugged or blocked duct does not need treatment with antibiotics, whereas mastitis often, but not always, does require treatment with antibiotics. A blocked duct presents as a painful, swollen, firm mass in the breast. The skin overlying the blocked duct is often quite red, similar to what happens during mastitis, but less intense. Mastitis is usually also associated with fever and more intense pain as well. However, it is not always easy to distinguish between a mild mastitis and a severe blocked duct. A blocked duct, can, apparently, go on to become mastitis. In France, physicians also recognize something they call lymphangite that is fever associated with skin which is hot and red, but there is no underlying painful mass. They do not believe this requires treatment with antibiotics.
Blocked Ducts
Blocked ducts will almost always resolve spontaneously within 24 to 48 hours after onset, even without any treatment at all. During the time the block is present, the baby may be fussy when nursing on that side, as milk flow may be slower than usual. Blocked ducts can be made to resolve more quickly by:
-Continuing breastfeeding on the affected side.
-Draining the affected area better. One way of doing this is to position the baby so his chin"points" to the area of hardness. Thus if the blocked duct is in the outside, lower area of your breast (about 4 o'clock), the football hold would be best.
-Using breast compression while the baby is feeding, getting your hand around the blocked duct and using steady pressure.
-Applying heat to the affected area (with a heating pad or hot water bottle, but be careful not to injure your skin by using too much heat for too long a period of time).
-Trying to rest. (Not always easy, but take the baby to bed with you.)
By Vincent Iannelli, M.D., http://pediatrics.about.com/od/breastfeeding/a/mastitis.htm
Mastitis needs to be differentiated from a plugged or blocked duct, because the plugged or blocked duct does not need treatment with antibiotics, whereas mastitis often, but not always, does require treatment with antibiotics. A blocked duct presents as a painful, swollen, firm mass in the breast. The skin overlying the blocked duct is often quite red, similar to what happens during mastitis, but less intense. Mastitis is usually also associated with fever and more intense pain as well. However, it is not always easy to distinguish between a mild mastitis and a severe blocked duct. A blocked duct, can, apparently, go on to become mastitis. In France, physicians also recognize something they call lymphangite that is fever associated with skin which is hot and red, but there is no underlying painful mass. They do not believe this requires treatment with antibiotics.
Blocked Ducts
Blocked ducts will almost always resolve spontaneously within 24 to 48 hours after onset, even without any treatment at all. During the time the block is present, the baby may be fussy when nursing on that side, as milk flow may be slower than usual. Blocked ducts can be made to resolve more quickly by:
-Continuing breastfeeding on the affected side.
-Draining the affected area better. One way of doing this is to position the baby so his chin"points" to the area of hardness. Thus if the blocked duct is in the outside, lower area of your breast (about 4 o'clock), the football hold would be best.
-Using breast compression while the baby is feeding, getting your hand around the blocked duct and using steady pressure.
-Applying heat to the affected area (with a heating pad or hot water bottle, but be careful not to injure your skin by using too much heat for too long a period of time).
-Trying to rest. (Not always easy, but take the baby to bed with you.)
By Vincent Iannelli, M.D., http://pediatrics.about.com/od/breastfeeding/a/mastitis.htm
Mastitis vs. plugged duct
Thursday, June 17, 2010
It takes a village to nurse a child
I just read this hilarious, and so true article, from Jennifer Coburn about her nursing experience. It had me laughing out loud! Here is a brief snippet...
"While I was pregnant, the Nature Channel aired a video safari through Africa. I watched as animals effortlessly nursed their young, and chuckled arrogantly as I recalled a friend's suggestion to take a breastfeeding class. Who needs a class on the most natural thing in the world?
Eight weeks, three in-home sessions with La Leche League, two trips to a lactation specialist, two visits to a hospital breastfeeding center, and a visit to the World Health Organization (WHO) later, I had my answer. Breastfeeding is no easy task.
By now, everyone was sucked into my drama. The mailman would inquire about my nipples on his daily visits. Everyone who knew me - even casually - knew of my nursing problems. The word "you" became synonymous with "your nipples", as in "How are your nipples?", "Can your nipples have lunch next week?", "Is there anything I can do for your nipples?" ..."
"While I was pregnant, the Nature Channel aired a video safari through Africa. I watched as animals effortlessly nursed their young, and chuckled arrogantly as I recalled a friend's suggestion to take a breastfeeding class. Who needs a class on the most natural thing in the world?
Eight weeks, three in-home sessions with La Leche League, two trips to a lactation specialist, two visits to a hospital breastfeeding center, and a visit to the World Health Organization (WHO) later, I had my answer. Breastfeeding is no easy task.
By now, everyone was sucked into my drama. The mailman would inquire about my nipples on his daily visits. Everyone who knew me - even casually - knew of my nursing problems. The word "you" became synonymous with "your nipples", as in "How are your nipples?", "Can your nipples have lunch next week?", "Is there anything I can do for your nipples?" ..."
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
A bra for every body type

According to Jene Luciani, author of the Bra Book, your outfit shouldn't be the only thing flattering your figure. Your bra should be figure-flattering, too! The right bra can help create a more balanced silhouette under clothes. The first step, though, is knowing just what your figure is. Here are four basic body types.: Pear, Rectangle/Banana, Apple/Inverted Triangle, Hourglass.
Stay tuned for what to look for/avoid in a bra with your specific body type!
body types
Friday, June 11, 2010
What new moms need to hear about breastfeeding, from other moms:
Just read this great post from a mom who posts helpful hints from other moms about all the things you wished you were told before you started breastfeeding! I particularly like Jenna's comment (way at the bottom under "11 Responses..."). This was definitely the case for me as well.
what bfng moms should know
Monday, June 7, 2010
Why do I need a nursing bra?
Most women experience an increase in their breast size during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Although this size change will vary greatly from woman to woman, it is usually at least one band size and one cup size. For example a woman who wore a pre-pregnancy size of 36c could expect to need at least a 38d.
A nursing mother needs to select the correct size to avoid mastitis and plugged milk ducts (which is not fun!). Some women use their regular bra and just pull up the cup to nurse. Unfortunately, the cup that is pulled up pushes on breast tissue and may cause plugged ducts and mastitis. Plus, it can be uncomfortable. Comfort is key, and as a nursing mama, you deserve it!! Also, wearing the correct nursing bra size will help prevent neck and shoulder aches and pains.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Julie_Zarchi
Although this size change will vary greatly from woman to woman, it is usually at least one band size and one cup size. For example a woman who wore a pre-pregnancy size of 36c could expect to need at least a 38d.
A nursing mother needs to select the correct size to avoid mastitis and plugged milk ducts (which is not fun!). Some women use their regular bra and just pull up the cup to nurse. Unfortunately, the cup that is pulled up pushes on breast tissue and may cause plugged ducts and mastitis. Plus, it can be uncomfortable. Comfort is key, and as a nursing mama, you deserve it!! Also, wearing the correct nursing bra size will help prevent neck and shoulder aches and pains.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Julie_Zarchi
Why do I need a nursing bra
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Demystifying parts of the bra...

Wing and Bridge....are we talking about airplane parts? No, we are talking about something far less complicated, but still just as confusing to many of us! The Bra!
Bras have been around since 1907 when French couturier Paul Poiret loosened up the corset and made the first brassiere, yet it is more than 100 years later and many of us are still confused about this simple piece of fabric! Well, I am going to try to help shed some light on this very necessary part in women's lives.
Today, we'll start with a simple picture telling us just exactly what the parts are all called....its very simple. I promise!
Thank you Jene Luciani for clearing this up for us in "The Bra Book".
Demystifying parts of the bra
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Unsafe bottle feeding
“Every 30 seconds a baby dies from unsafe bottle feeding in the third world”
I found this article interesting that hospitals in third world countries are giving formula to mothers when they leave the hospital (instead of encouraging breastfeeding, which is free) but then when the families run out, they are left trying to scrape money together to buy more. Many families have to pay 50% of their income just on formula for their new babies!? So, families turn to other, less sanitary/safe ways to feed their babies out of necessity...
I found this article interesting that hospitals in third world countries are giving formula to mothers when they leave the hospital (instead of encouraging breastfeeding, which is free) but then when the families run out, they are left trying to scrape money together to buy more. Many families have to pay 50% of their income just on formula for their new babies!? So, families turn to other, less sanitary/safe ways to feed their babies out of necessity...
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Breastfeeding cost vs. Formula costs
In today's economy everyone is looking to save any way they can. Here is one way new mom's can save their family lots of money. The total costs to breastfeed your baby are less than 50% of the cost to provide the least expensive type of infant formula and supplies necessary to feed your baby. The average cost of breastfeeding supplies are $468 while the cost of the cheapest formula is $1,440 per year! Check out detailed information below...
Costs below are based on approximately 24 ounces of formula consumption per day.)
Pre-Mixed Ready-to-Feed Formula - Cost Per Day - $6.00, Cost Per Month - $180, Cost Per Year - $2,160
Concentrate in Cans (Mix with Water) - Cost Per Day - $4.60, Cost Per Month - $138, Cost Per Year - $1,600
Powdered in Cans (Mix with Water) - Cost Per Day - $3.75, Cost Per Month - $112, Cost Per Year - $1,350
Additional items:
Microwave Sterilizer $40, Set of Bottles $20, Bottle Drying Rack $30, Total Cost of Bottle-feeding Supplies - $90 (Plus Cost of Formula Above)
Cost of Breastfeeding Supplies
Breast Pump - $200, Breastfeeding Pillow - $40, Breast Milk Storage Kit - $30, Breast Cream - $8, Breast Pads (Pair of 2) - $20, Nursing Bra (2) - $50, Breastfeeding Tops (4) - $120, Total Amount of Breastfeeding Supplies - $468
Cost Savings on Health Care Expenses for Breastfed Baby
Research indicates that you can save additional money by breastfeeding not only in the cost of the actual formula but in the reduced health care costs for your breastfed baby. Parents who have chosen to breastfeed their babies will generally not need to take their infants to the hospital or pediatrician as often as those who feed their infants formula.
Studies have shown that nursing exclusively for 4 months of age resulted in 50% fewer ear infections than babies were fed infant formula. Thus, breastfeeding can save family's money from unnecessary office visits, prescriptions and over-the-counter medications.
Read more at Suite101: Cost Comparison of Breastfeeding and Formula: How Much Money Can You Save By Nursing Versus Formula Feeding? http://pregnancychildbirth.suite101.com/article.cfm/cost_comparison_of_breastfeeding_and_formula#ixzz0peh0n6Or
Costs below are based on approximately 24 ounces of formula consumption per day.)
Pre-Mixed Ready-to-Feed Formula - Cost Per Day - $6.00, Cost Per Month - $180, Cost Per Year - $2,160
Concentrate in Cans (Mix with Water) - Cost Per Day - $4.60, Cost Per Month - $138, Cost Per Year - $1,600
Powdered in Cans (Mix with Water) - Cost Per Day - $3.75, Cost Per Month - $112, Cost Per Year - $1,350
Additional items:
Microwave Sterilizer $40, Set of Bottles $20, Bottle Drying Rack $30, Total Cost of Bottle-feeding Supplies - $90 (Plus Cost of Formula Above)
Cost of Breastfeeding Supplies
Breast Pump - $200, Breastfeeding Pillow - $40, Breast Milk Storage Kit - $30, Breast Cream - $8, Breast Pads (Pair of 2) - $20, Nursing Bra (2) - $50, Breastfeeding Tops (4) - $120, Total Amount of Breastfeeding Supplies - $468
Cost Savings on Health Care Expenses for Breastfed Baby
Research indicates that you can save additional money by breastfeeding not only in the cost of the actual formula but in the reduced health care costs for your breastfed baby. Parents who have chosen to breastfeed their babies will generally not need to take their infants to the hospital or pediatrician as often as those who feed their infants formula.
Studies have shown that nursing exclusively for 4 months of age resulted in 50% fewer ear infections than babies were fed infant formula. Thus, breastfeeding can save family's money from unnecessary office visits, prescriptions and over-the-counter medications.
Read more at Suite101: Cost Comparison of Breastfeeding and Formula: How Much Money Can You Save By Nursing Versus Formula Feeding? http://pregnancychildbirth.suite101.com/article.cfm/cost_comparison_of_breastfeeding_and_formula#ixzz0peh0n6Or
Friday, May 28, 2010
Mom’s in the workforse are growing
I was shocked to find out that Women now comprise half the U.S. workforce, and are the primary breadwinner in nearly 4 out of 10 American families. The fastest growing segment of the workforce is women with children under age three! Hmm, that might contribute to our 20% drop in infants who were exclusively breastfed through 3 months of age (33.1% ) to 13.6% of infants who were exclusively breastfed through 6 months of age?
Have a great Holiday weekend everybody!!
That you CDC and wikipedia for enlightening us!
Have a great Holiday weekend everybody!!
That you CDC and wikipedia for enlightening us!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Maternity leave: How does the United Sates Compare?
So were you wondering why Sweden and Norway held the top two spots for breastfeeding longevity? Well, it could be because of their amazing maternity/paternity leave. Norway offers 56 weeks (13 months) at 80% pay or 46 weeks (10.5 months) at 100% pay - mother must take at least 3 weeks immediately before birth and 6 weeks immediately after birth, father must take at least 10 weeks - the rest can be shared between mother and father. Amazing right??
What, you ask, does the United States offer? 0 weeks paid. Yes, you read that right, ZERO weeks paid. Of course in the 90's the FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) was created, which mandates 12 weeks of UNPAID leave, but that is only if the requesting employee works for a covered employer (all public agencies; private companies with 50 or more employees within 75 miles.) In addition, the employee must have worked for covered employer for at least 12 months prior, and at least 1250 hours in previous 12 months. Other restrictions apply.
For comparison Canada offers 55% up to $447/week for 50 weeks (15 weeks maternity + 35 weeks parental leave that can be shared with the father)
If you are interested in reading more about this check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parental_leave which is where we found this shocking information.
What, you ask, does the United States offer? 0 weeks paid. Yes, you read that right, ZERO weeks paid. Of course in the 90's the FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) was created, which mandates 12 weeks of UNPAID leave, but that is only if the requesting employee works for a covered employer (all public agencies; private companies with 50 or more employees within 75 miles.) In addition, the employee must have worked for covered employer for at least 12 months prior, and at least 1250 hours in previous 12 months. Other restrictions apply.
For comparison Canada offers 55% up to $447/week for 50 weeks (15 weeks maternity + 35 weeks parental leave that can be shared with the father)
If you are interested in reading more about this check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parental_leave which is where we found this shocking information.
Maternity/paternity leave
Monday, May 24, 2010
Breastfeeding Rates Around the World
The World Health Organization and UNICEF have recommended for a decade that mothers breastfeed for at least two years. But most US women who nurse stop before their baby is six months old - and many never start at all. How do other countries stack up? What is the reason? Is it that more US woman head back to work?? Will President Obama's Health Care Reform requirements for employers to allow "reasonable time" for employees to pump help?? Stay tuned and we will look at some of these topics this week!
Breastfeeding Rates Around the World
Country % of mothers who start % who continue 6 months or longer
Sweden 98 53
Norway 98 50
Poland 93 10
Canada 80 24
Netherlands 68 25
Britain 63 21
United States 75 20
Sources: Baby Milk Action, Cambridge, England; Center for Breastfeeding Information, Schaumburg, IL
Parenting magazine had some information on breastfeeding rates around the world in their April 1997 issue. Their article (p. 34) was entitled "Breastfeeding by the Numbers." The information above is from this article.
Page last modified: 05/19/2007 Written: 04/29/1998 taken from Kellymom.com
Breastfeeding Rates Around the World
Country % of mothers who start % who continue 6 months or longer
Sweden 98 53
Norway 98 50
Poland 93 10
Canada 80 24
Netherlands 68 25
Britain 63 21
United States 75 20
Sources: Baby Milk Action, Cambridge, England; Center for Breastfeeding Information, Schaumburg, IL
Parenting magazine had some information on breastfeeding rates around the world in their April 1997 issue. Their article (p. 34) was entitled "Breastfeeding by the Numbers." The information above is from this article.
Page last modified: 05/19/2007 Written: 04/29/1998 taken from Kellymom.com
Friday, May 21, 2010
Must haves for moms who plan to breastfeed
Nursing Mothers-What You Need:
As an expectant mom, there are a number of things you should consider gathering prior to babies arrival. The list below is specific for baby and breastfeeding. There are a number of items you should consider to prepare properly for the arrival of baby. Speak with your Child Birth Educator for a complete list of items.
At Home - for breastfeeding
-Breastfeeding books and videos - a number of good quality books and videos are available to answer many of your questions right away.
-The contact number of a Lactation consultant or La Leche League Leader who can help during really difficult times. Look for a La Leche League support meeting near you from this link. Support is imperative for many new breastfeeding moms. http://www.llli.org/WebUS.html
-At least three nursing bras (one to wear, one in the wash, one in your drawer) You may need more if you are anything like me and don't like to do laundry every day!
-A pillow to support baby while breastfeeding. There are companies who make specific nursing pillows, which many moms like.
-A rocking chair or glider to make late nights a little easier
-A nursing foot stool
-burping cloths - these come in handy for many cleanups. This helps prevent you from changing 5 times a day or from simply having spit up become a fixture to your wardrobe!
-Lanolin cream for ongoing nipple therapy. If your nipples become cracked seek medical advise about Lanolin cream as this could cause a reaction in some woman and prevent continued nursing.
-At least four sets of washable bra pads, or disposable pads to keep lactating breasts dry to prevent thrush or infections
-You might want to consider a breast shell for flat or inverted nipples. This may also be helpful if your nipples crack to speed the healing process. Medela is one company who sells breast shells.
At Home or work- for breastpumping
-A quality breast pump
-Breastmilk collection and storage bags or containers. This is a must have for moms who plan to go back to work or who plan to escape for a night away at some point.
-A portable cooler carrier for transporting your breastmilk. This is included with some pumps
-Medela Quick Clean Micro-Steam Bags and Wipes, which come in handy when you don't have time or discretion to wash between uses. This was an inexpensive lifesaver for me when I went back to work or was to gosh darn tired to wash the tiny pieces of my pump between uses.
Thank you Medela for these great ideas!
As an expectant mom, there are a number of things you should consider gathering prior to babies arrival. The list below is specific for baby and breastfeeding. There are a number of items you should consider to prepare properly for the arrival of baby. Speak with your Child Birth Educator for a complete list of items.
At Home - for breastfeeding
-Breastfeeding books and videos - a number of good quality books and videos are available to answer many of your questions right away.
-The contact number of a Lactation consultant or La Leche League Leader who can help during really difficult times. Look for a La Leche League support meeting near you from this link. Support is imperative for many new breastfeeding moms. http://www.llli.org/WebUS.html
-At least three nursing bras (one to wear, one in the wash, one in your drawer) You may need more if you are anything like me and don't like to do laundry every day!
-A pillow to support baby while breastfeeding. There are companies who make specific nursing pillows, which many moms like.
-A rocking chair or glider to make late nights a little easier
-A nursing foot stool
-burping cloths - these come in handy for many cleanups. This helps prevent you from changing 5 times a day or from simply having spit up become a fixture to your wardrobe!
-Lanolin cream for ongoing nipple therapy. If your nipples become cracked seek medical advise about Lanolin cream as this could cause a reaction in some woman and prevent continued nursing.
-At least four sets of washable bra pads, or disposable pads to keep lactating breasts dry to prevent thrush or infections
-You might want to consider a breast shell for flat or inverted nipples. This may also be helpful if your nipples crack to speed the healing process. Medela is one company who sells breast shells.
At Home or work- for breastpumping
-A quality breast pump
-Breastmilk collection and storage bags or containers. This is a must have for moms who plan to go back to work or who plan to escape for a night away at some point.
-A portable cooler carrier for transporting your breastmilk. This is included with some pumps
-Medela Quick Clean Micro-Steam Bags and Wipes, which come in handy when you don't have time or discretion to wash between uses. This was an inexpensive lifesaver for me when I went back to work or was to gosh darn tired to wash the tiny pieces of my pump between uses.
Thank you Medela for these great ideas!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Breastfeeding an Adopted Baby
I just read this eye opening article about the ability for a woman to start lactating even if she has not just recently given birth. I had never heard of this before! Check it out...
Breastfeeding an Adopted Baby
Yes, it’s true. Adopting mothers can breastfeed. Down through history, a traditional way of nurturing and nourishing orphans has been for another woman, often a relative, to put the baby to breast. Sometimes the adoptive mother already was lactating, but if not, the infant’s sucking would bring in a milk supply. The process of breastfeeding an adopted baby is called induced lactation.
By Barbara Wilson-Clay, BS, IBCLC
To read the full article click here: http://www.medelabreastfeedingus.com/tips-and-solutions/30/breastfeeding-an-adopted-baby
Breastfeeding an Adopted Baby
Yes, it’s true. Adopting mothers can breastfeed. Down through history, a traditional way of nurturing and nourishing orphans has been for another woman, often a relative, to put the baby to breast. Sometimes the adoptive mother already was lactating, but if not, the infant’s sucking would bring in a milk supply. The process of breastfeeding an adopted baby is called induced lactation.
By Barbara Wilson-Clay, BS, IBCLC
To read the full article click here: http://www.medelabreastfeedingus.com/tips-and-solutions/30/breastfeeding-an-adopted-baby
Breastfeeding an Adopted Baby
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Back to work while breastfeeding
I just watched a really great, short video from ABC News on what every breastfeeding mom should know about going back to work.
The video is an interview with a pediatric doctor and mom who talks about;
-products moms who breastfeed need when going back to work
-benefits of breastfeeding for baby
-benefits of breastfeeding for mom
put this link into your web-browser: abcnews.go.com/video/playerIndex?id=7499500
The video is an interview with a pediatric doctor and mom who talks about;
-products moms who breastfeed need when going back to work
-benefits of breastfeeding for baby
-benefits of breastfeeding for mom
put this link into your web-browser: abcnews.go.com/video/playerIndex?id=7499500
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Women who breastfeed for a year or more are less likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis.
Most of us know that breast-feeding can be good for a baby, but research now shows that it can be good for moms as well! Breast-feeding may affect the immune system in a way that protects against diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.
(Dean Health publication Notables fall 2009)
(Dean Health publication Notables fall 2009)
Breast-feeding good for mom
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Breastfeeding saves lives...
A recent article reports that researchers say the lives of nearly 900 babies could be saved every year if more women breast-fed. The journal Pediatrics, says if 90 percent of new moms breast-fed their babies for the first six months of life, infant deaths would decrease and $13 billion in medical costs could be saved annually. Breast-feeding may help prevent many costly and sometimes deadly illnesses, such as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and even childhood leukemia. It's also been shown to combat ear infections, diabetes and asthma.
Check out the full article here: http://www.wkowtv.com/Global/story.asp?S=12256521
Check out the full article here: http://www.wkowtv.com/Global/story.asp?S=12256521
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